
Sunday, 5 November 2017

15 Tips To Convince Doctor To Prescribe Your Medicine:

15 Tips To Convince Doctor To Prescribe Your Medicine:
What to say about product so that doctor prescribes your products to patients. For that 5 tips to convince doctor to prescribe your medicine.

You may wonder how someone convince a doctor in just short period of time of 5 minutes. i have seen such medical representatives who have the ability to convince any doctor in just 5 minutes and doctors starts to prescribe their medicines. I talked to such medical representatives and have some points for you so that you can also convince any doctor to prescribe your medicine. It takes home work yes when i talked to them they told me how they did their homework before talking to any doctor and result was amazing. So below there are 5 tips for you to convince doctors:

Doctors give only 5 minutes.

Yes i know as medical representative doctors give you only 5 minutes and in such short period of time you have to convince your doctor so that he prescribes your medicine to the patients. So what to speak and how to speak in those 5 minutes we will know it below.

Gather Information about your company:

First gather all the detailed information about your company.

Extract 5 achievement of your company like:-

(1)  Any award given to your company.
(2)  Approved with ISI Certificate.
(3)  No. of offices in country.
(4)  Total No. of workers.
(4)  Total No. of depos.
(5)  Total no. of products in market.

NOTE:-Now list them into piece of paper.

Gather Detailed information about your product.

For example if you are talking to a doctor about glucose then collect all information related to glucose first because doctor may ask you about glucose.

In my case all the doctors asked something about my products.

Now Collect all the good things about your product For example if glucose is my product than i will collect this information:-

·                     Ingredients of glucose.
·                     Effect of glucose on patients.
·                     Side effects of glucose.
·                     How many doctors have prescribed this products.
·                     Weight of product(Many medical representatives do not know what is the weight of their product).

NOTE:-Write it down on the piece of paper.

Competitive Analysis:

Now if you are a medical representative then you have surely faced this situation when doctors talk about similar medicines when you promote your before meeting any doctor do your homework for your competitor.

(1)   Know who is your competitor.
(2)   What are the rates of that product.
(3)   What is the weight of that product regarding to manufacture price.
(4)   Compare your product with weight and price.
(5)   Check out the ingredients of your competitor product and figure out which is harmful for patients.
(6)   Compare your product does that also contain that ingredients.
(7)   Collect information about competitor's company.
(8)   Total no. of depos,workers,product availability,company background and number of products.
(9)   Do they have any certificate.
(10) Any frauds about that company.

Note:- Write down all the points on paper.

Final Worksheet and action plan:

Now write down all the information on one paper like this:-

(1)Achievement of company

      Above 5 points

(2)Your Product Details

     Above 5 points

(3)Your competitive analysis

     Above 10 points

Now just memorize it many times and when you go for a meeting with a doctor now recall those 15 points and just speak them . you will be amazed to see that doctors will start to prescribe your medicine. These are the best tips to convince doctors and believe me to see the results. Because you have all the information related to your company, your products and your competitor. And these are enough to impress and convince your doctor to prescribe your medicines.

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